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Seaside Stash Busting Blanket – Week 5


We’re going to continue with 4 more rows of  ‘Long Wave’ stitch this week to really give a chance for the wavy effect created by these combination of stitches to shine through! This is after all called a Seaside Stash Busting Blanket! 🙂 🙂

And look at all the waves being crocheted so far…

Remember I have done a YouTube tutorial if you think that would help…

So this weeks four rows are the same as last week as follows:

At the end of row 17 you should have joined a new colour and made 4ch which counts as the first dtr (US tr) of this next row… Remember I use UK terminology. dtr=double treble (US treble), tr=treble (US double crochet), htr= half treble (US half double), dc=double crochet (US single crochet).

Row 18 1tr in next 2 sts, continue with (2htr, 3dc, 2htr, 2tr, 3dtr, 2tr) and repeat to end, the final st will be a tr, 1ch (counts as first dc of next row- you may want to put a stitch marker in this ch so it is easier to recognise as a stitch when crocheting back into it after next row), turn
Row 19 1dc in each st to end, join with a new colour at end of final st, 1ch (counts as first dc of next row- you may want to put a stitch marker in this ch so it is easier to recognise when crocheting back into it after next row), turn

Row 20 1htr in next 2 sts, continue with (2tr, 3dtr, 2tr, 2htr, 3dc, 2htr) and rep to end, the final st will be a htr, 1ch, (counts as 1st dc of next row- you may want to put a stitch marker in this ch so it is easier to recognise when crocheting back into it after next row), turn
Row 21 1dc in each st to end, join with a new colour at end of final st but DO NOT make a turning chain, turn

And there you have four waves all created by this simple but effective ‘Long Wave’ stitch. Next week we’ll be doing something different again… 🙂

Happy Crocheting! 🙂 🙂

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