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A Crocheted Campfire!


Well this was a crochet project that I didn’t expect to find on my hooks! I don’t think I’d ever have thought to crochet a campfire but when Hobbycraft approached me to ask if I would be able to crochet them a campfire to scale which they wanted for a professional photo shoot, I wasn’t about to shy away from that challenge… 🙂 Having designed for Hobbycraft previously, I felt honoured to be asked again.

But this project was also to a deadline and I had just over a week to complete it from start to finish. To say that this campfire took over my life a little is an understatement! My mind was buzzing with ideas- how was I going to make it? How would a crocheted campfire stand freely? How would I blend the colours? And then how would I be able to make it in time! But first I had to choose which yarns and colours I needed Hobbycraft to send to me. That was a lovely parcel to receive in the post!

I felt that the logs, stones and even marshmallows were pretty straight forward to design. The challenge for me were the flames…I bounced my ideas off my lovely family and with their help and suggestions I came up with a proposal and then set my daughter and husband on a mission to make a paper version…I gave them the measurements, some yellow, orange and red paper and off they went. After an hour they returned with a template which looked like a good fire. So then I started my crocheted version…

It went everywhere with me during that week and any spare moments were spent crocheting that fire! And how to enable it to stand freely? Well I decided to use toy stuffing  and make the flames individually before sewing them together to give the fire rigidity.

I then designed and made Stones/ Pebbles…


and Logs..

And there you have it – my crocheted campfire!

It looks great on the beach too…

It was a really fun and challenging project and although it took over my life and other things got very neglected during that week, I think it was worth it! I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out. I can’t wait to see it featured on the Hobbycraft website at some point soon…

And I have also written the pattern which will be featured on their blog in the near future. I’m not sure that many people will feel the urge to crochet a campfire although my husband pointed out that it might look pretty cool in people’s redundant fire places… who know’s??

Thanks as ever for reading… Happy Crocheting Everyone! 🙂

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